How to Use GeoUrduNetwork Facebook Timeline

Facebook Timeline has come to GeoUrduNetwork and here are some things you should know about the new layout and how to use it. These suggestions should help you see more of the posts we write on Facebook.

First: Add GeoUrduNetwork to An Interest List

To guarantee you will see what we post on Facebook add us to an Interest List.

1. Visit the GeoUrduNetwork Facebook Fan page

2. Click the drop-down list near the top right next to the Message button. and Click Add to Interest Lists.

Add to Interest List

01 – Add to Interest List

3. Click New List. Call it whatever you like.

New Lists

02 – New Lists

4. Another box will open to create your new list. Geo Urdu NetWork & To-Do’s should already be checkmarked to add to this list. & Click “Next”.

Create new list

03 – Create new list 01

5. Under “List Name” choose a name for your new list. I used “Geo”.

Create new list

04 – Create new list 02

6. Now to find your new list. Go to your newsfeed as you normally would. & Look to the left-hand column and scroll down. I found the “Interests” list to be the last section. Click your new list (whatever you called it) and voila! You’ll see ALL posts in the nice newsfeed look you are used to.

Where to find new list

05 – Where to find new list

I hope some of you find this information useful!