
Current weather conditions in Georgetown (North America>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) and 14 day weather forecast information: temperature, wind, rain. Updated regularly.
موجودہ موسم کے حالات میں اور 14 دن موسم کی پیشن گوئی
Mar 31, 2024 - Sun
Georgetown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wind 26 km/h, N
Humidity 83%
Pressure 1014 hPa
sun mar 31
27/27°C26 km/h, ENE78%1015 hPa
mon apr 1
27/27°C28 km/h, NE68%1015 hPa
tue apr 2
27/27°C25 km/h, NE77%1015 hPa
wed apr 3
28/27°C25 km/h, E77%1013 hPa
thu apr 4
28/28°C28 km/h, ESE80%1015 hPa