
Current weather conditions in Nsoko (Africa>Swaziland (renamed to Eswatini)) and 14 day weather forecast information: temperature, wind, rain. Updated regularly.
موجودہ موسم کے حالات میں اور 14 دن موسم کی پیشن گوئی
Apr 3, 2024 - Wed
Nsoko, Swaziland
Wind 2 km/h, SE
Humidity 83%
Pressure 1017 hPa
wed apr 3
27/23°C13 km/h, E58%1018 hPa
thu apr 4
28/21°C11 km/h, NNE58%1017 hPa
fri apr 5
31/20°C20 km/h, SSE49%1012 hPa
sat apr 6
23/18°C15 km/h, S66%1021 hPa
sun apr 7
19/19°C8 km/h, SSE94%1021 hPa